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为鼓励青年大学生的创新创作,增强新闻传播作品的国际化水平,特举办“首届粤港澳大湾区大学生国际传播作品大赛”,遴选优秀国际传播作品。To encourage youth creativity and advance the global reach of media content, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area International Communication Competition for College Students, as the first edition of its kind, aims to discover the Greater Bay Area's stories as told by students to the world.[ 详情 More ]

2024年12月24日:启动报名和申报。各校可以学校、院系或校园媒体等名义集体申报,也鼓励学生以个人身份参赛申报。 Application and submissions open on December 24, 2024. Entries can be submitted either by groups, such as universities, departments, and campus media, or by individuals.

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“中国故事”“湾区发展”“国际新闻”“全球文明”“环境气候”“日常生活”等与国际传播相关的议题。 The work that you submit should be on one of the following topics: China's stories, the development of the Greater Bay Area, world news, global civilizations, the environment and climate, everyday life, or any other topics related to international communication.

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​参赛作品按照文字报道、数据新闻、音频视频、纪实摄影、融媒体作品五大类别各自评选出一等奖1名,二等奖2名,三等奖3名,优秀奖若干名。 For each category (Written Reports, Data Journalism, Audio or Videos, Documentary Photography, and Multimedia Works), there will be a First Prize, two Second Prizes, three Third Prizes, and several Honorable Mentions.

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参赛作品不能侵犯他人版权、著作权、肖像权、名誉权等权利,因参赛作品所引起的一切侵权责任由参赛者自行承担。 Submitted works must not infringe upon the copyrights, portrait rights, reputation rights, or any other rights of others. The entrant is solely responsible for any legal liabilities arising from copyright violations related to the submitted work.

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主办单位:中山大学新闻传播学院、今日广东国际传播中心 Hosts: School of Communication and Journalism at Sun Yat-sen University, GDToday 支持单位:广东省对外传播研究基地(中山大学)、中国外文局-中山大学粤港澳大湾区国际传播研究中心 Supported by: Guangdong Research Base of International Communication (Sun Yat-sen University), China International Communications Group (CICG)- Sun Yat-sen University (SYSU) Research Center for International Communication in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA)