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1. 参赛作品不能侵犯他人版权、著作权、肖像权、名誉权等权利,因参赛作品所引起的一切侵权责任由参赛者自行承担。

Submitted works must not infringe upon the copyrights, portrait rights, reputation rights, or any other rights of others. The entrant is solely responsible for any legal liabilities arising from right violations related to the submitted work.

2. 参赛作品的版权归原版权所有人所有,活动主办单位尊重并保障参赛作品的著作权。

The copyright of the submitted works remains with the original copyright holder. The event hosts respect and protect the copyright of all submitted works.

3. 活动主办单位拥有参赛作品的使用权(不另付稿酬),保留对作品的后期技术处理权。使用方式包括用于公益宣传或提供给相关媒体公开展示;组织相关单位加强获奖作品文化价值开发,衍生制作一批文创宣介精品等。

The event hosts hold the right to use the submitted works without additional payment and reserve the right to perform further editing. The use of the submitted works includes but is not limited to public welfare promotions, public display by other media, or collaborating with other organizations to develop cultural products or promotional materials, etc. related to the award-winning works.

4. 团队提交作品之版权和著作权等相关事宜,由报名表上填的“申报人”负责。提交作品必须由“申报人”原创,“申报人”应确认拥有作品的著作权,主办方不承担任何权益纠纷。如若出现任何权益纠纷,主办方保留取消其参与活动资格、追回奖项权利,并追究对主办方权益的侵害的权利。多人共同申报的同一作品,请自行协调作者次序后上传作品。主办方将通过参与者投稿时填写的联系方式联系参与者,请留意并及时回复。

For group submissions, the "Applicant" listed on the application form is responsible for copyright and related matters. The "Applicant" should be the original author or one of the original authors of the work that they submit and they must hold the copyright to the work. The hosts are not responsible for any rights disputes. If any rights disputes arise, the hosts reserve the right to disqualify the participant, revoke awards, and seek legal action for any infringement of the hosts' rights. For works with multiple authors, please coordinate the order of authors and register it accordingly. The hosts will contact the "Applicant" using the contact information provided, so please check your messages and emails regularly and reply in time.