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Nesli’s Vlog | You won’t believe how sweet Danxia Gonggan is

“Such a beautiful culture (in Mount Danxia, Shaoguan)!”

“Even the small Gonggan (literally meaning tribute mandarin) is so sweet!”



Neslihan Kilavuz, a Turkish YouTuber who lives in Shenzhen, paid a visit to Shaoguan's Renhua county recently and vlogged her experiences of picking locally-grown Gonggan and exploring other Gonggan derivatives there.

近日,来自土耳其、现居深圳的YouTube美女博主Neslihan Kilavuz(@Nesli in China)参加了由南方农村报和南方英文网(GD Today)共同组织的“感知广东—到丹霞山寻找最美贡柑”体验活动,打卡韶关仁化贡柑产区,并用Vlog记录了采摘新鲜贡柑、品尝贡柑及其他衍生产品的全过程。

What natural advantages does Shaoguan have for growing sweet, fragrant and rose-colored Gonggan? Are there any other uses of Gonggan besides being eaten freshly picked? Let's follow Neslihan Kilavuz's Vlog to have a taste of Renhua's Gonggan culture.

什么样的山水能够孕育出拥有清甜香蜜、色如渥丹的丹霞贡柑?除了现采现吃,贡柑还有什么其他衍生产品?下面,就让我们跟随Neslihan Kilavuz小姐姐的镜头,一起解锁丹霞贡柑花式体验指南吧!

Special: Experience Guangdong - Tour of the sweetest Danxia Gonggan 

Author | Abby

Video | Neslihan Kilavuz

Poster | Alice

Editor | Wing, Olivia, Jerry

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