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Palestinian death toll in Gaza surpasses 18,400 as Israel intensifies firepower

The Palestinian death toll in Gaza exceeded 18,400 on December 12 as Israel continues to intensify its firepower in the coastal enclave.

From 2023.10.9 to 2023.12.12, at least 49,645 Palestinians have been injured and at least 7,780 are missing in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. At least 305,000 residential units in Gaza were destroyed or damaged, 311 educational facilities were damaged, 26 out of 35 hospitals were not functioning, 87 ambulances were damaged and 167 places of worship were damaged. Israel has carried out more than 10,000 airstrikes on Palestinians.

Co-presented by GDToday and the School of Journalism and Communication, Jinan University

Poster: Tan Xujun (Intern)

Editor: Steven, Rofel, James 

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