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Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra's public concert series celebrates its 20th anniversary

On March 24 and 25, the Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra (GSO) held two "Into the Symphony" public concerts in Guangzhou, including one at the Leung Kau Kui Hall of Sun Yat-sen University, celebrating the 20th anniversary of this series.

The two concerts showcased a collection of Chinese musical works, including both classics and contemporary pieces. The repertoire featured revolutionary classic songs such as "Ode to the Red Flag," festive pieces like "The Lights of China," ethnic work "Yunnan Musical Poem," and the Grand Symphonic Divertimento Capriccio the Greater Bay Area (GSO Commission) composed by Fang Dongqing.

Audiences said that GSO's performance was not only a musical feast but also a vivid demonstration of Chinese culture. This concert integrated classical pieces and modern works with traditional Chinese musical elements.

Xu Junzhong, director of Sun Yat-sen University Museum (School History Museum), expressed his strong recognition and support for GSO's long-term free music popularization activities for the public, especially students. He looked forward to further cooperation between the Orchestra and Sun Yat-sen University to stage more wonderful performances.

Since 2004, GSO has presented 241 free concerts and 350 pieces for the public, with more than 300,000 attendees and 228,000 online viewers. A total of 16 conductors have participated in GSO's public concerts.

Among the concerts, one held in Macao was rated as a "Key Project of Cultural Exchange with Hong Kong and Macao 2015".

Reporter | Holly

Editor | Steven, Monica, James

Photos provided to GDToday

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