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Take a bite of modern dance "Main Dishes Ⅷ" in Guangzhou in February

The contemporary dance work Main Dishes Ⅷ (九大簋Ⅷ), created by the Guangdong Modern Dance Company (GMDC), is set to premiere on February 2 and 3 in Guangzhou.

The program features 11 small-scale dance pieces in various forms and with rich themes. Drawing from their personal experiences, young choreographers try to convey deep thinking and exploration of their observations and encounters in daily life through dance creation. Furthermore, in addition to various artistic forms such as solo dance, dance duet, and group dance, immersive environmental dance and dance videography will be specially added to the dance program this year, offering audiences a novel experience.

Since 2016, the GMDC has created the Main Dishes series annually, which launched its first nationwide tour last year. In Cantonese, "九大簋 (pinyin: jiu da gui)" refers to a sumptuous banquet in honor of distinguished guests by the host. In this show, the choreographers and dancers of the GMDC prepare a feast with diverse dance forms for all audiences.

Time: 19:30, February 2 and 3, 2024

Duration: 115 minutes (30 minutes outdoors+85 minutes in the theater)

Venue: The Small Theatre, Guangdong Modern Dance Company (广东现代舞团小剧场)

Add.: No.1229, Guangzhou Dadao Zhong, Tianhe District, Guangzhou (广州市天河区广州大道中1229号)

Reporter | Holly

Editor | Nan, Monica, James

Photos provided to GDToday

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