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Data Explorer | Functions and opening hours of the "second-tier" channels in Hengqin

The Guangdong-Macao In-depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin is set to implement a new tiered customs system to streamline the flow of people and goods between the area and Macao on March 1. It will create a "second-tier" zone, which refers to an area between Hengqin and other areas within the Chinese mainland. Here are the functions and opening hours of the "second-tier" channels in Hengqin.

Be noted that all vehicles and passengers should cross the above "second-tier" channels when entering the Chinese mainland from the Cooperation Zone, for those traveling from the Chinese mainland to the Cooperation Zone, the current regulations will continue to apply. 

Reporter: Will

Graphic: Lulu

Editors: Olivia, Nan, Ou Xiaoming

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