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Ready for summer? Thunderstorms, heat, and this insect ahead

Thunderstorms accompanied by a high of 30℃ will continue to prevail Guangdong this week, with possible scattered heavy rain, according to the province's meteorological observatory.

Beautiful summer sunset in Shenzhen (Photo: Zhu Hongbo)

May 30 will be a cloudy day for the north-western Guangdong and southern coastal regions, though some isolated downpours are expected. Other regions will be mostly cloudy, seeing scattered thundershowers. The highest temperatures will be from 31℃ to 34℃.

On May 31, north-western Guangdong, west Guangdong and the Pearl River Delta will have moderate thunderstorms and localized torrential rain while other regions will see a weakened rainfall. The highs will be around 29℃ to 33℃.

On June 1, moderate thunderstorms and localized rainstorms are predicted to hit the south-central Pearl River Delta, Yangjiang and Shanwei. Other regions will embrace a cloudy sky despite possible showers. The highs will be around 29℃ to 33℃.

As hot and rainy weather lingers on, flying ants will make a comeback as well.

Flying ants, also called “大水蚁”(large water ant)by Guangdong people, belong to the termite family. It usually leaves the nest in the evening during sultry weather or heavy rain.

The formic acid produced by termites is very corrosive, and can cause irreparable damage to wood, cement, and steel. Contact with the formic acid may also cause an allergic reaction on your skin.

Photo: Guangdong Weather

Here are some tips to help avoid or catch the pesky critters:

1. Close the doors and windows and turn off the light.

2. Place a basin of water in the room and shine a lamp or flashlight over the water.

3. Use pesticides cautiously. Although treatment with insecticides can kill flying ants, it will also destroy the passageways the termites have burrowed. This method will not eliminate termites, but just push them to open up new channels and cause more damage to property.

4. Ask professionals for help, or use poison baits designed especially for termites.

5. Keeping the room clean, dry and ventilated will help to disrupt the reproductive cycle of the termites.

Author | Hannah, Sun Wancheng (intern)

Editor | Wing, Olivia, Will, Abby, Jerry

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