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A Foreign Engineer's Dongguan Spring Festival To-do List

During the Spring Festival holiday, foreign talents in Dongguan are embracing the holiday spirit with unique local traditions. Adnan Sharif, a senior visual algorithm engineer working in Dongguan, recently shared his experience of celebrating his first Spring Festival in the city.

From exploring local museums to visiting a traditional flower market, Adnan's Spring Festival checklist was filled with exciting activities. Additionally, he made sure to purchase orchids and adorn his home with decorations symbolizing the Year of the Dragon.

Why a foreigner would choose to spend the Spring Festival in Dongguan? Valuable insights are shown through Adnan's perspective. 

“I get to enjoy the unique, different and wonderful culture here, ” said Adnan. “It’s very nice to see the cultural and traditional side of Dongguan.”

Join us as we delve into Adnan Sharif's unique experiences and discover the charm of celebrating the Spring Festival in Dongguan!

Planner | Jiang Qiang, Jin Yanming

Co-ordinator | Xie Maishi, Dai Shuangcheng

Reporter | Xie Maishi

Producer | Li Jiawei

Design | Zheng Jiaqi

Zhang Huitong also contributed to the story

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