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More affordable but higher-quality EV cars from China popular in Hungary: Hungarian journalist

A delegation comprising media representatives from 25 Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries visited two flagship high-tech companies, Huawei and BYD, on May 21, the final day of their trip in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

During their excursion at Huawei's European Town in Dongshan Lake, the delegation paid close visits to a community that blends culture, ecology, and technology together. Later in the day, the media delegation arrived at BYD's headquarters in Pingshan, Shenzhen, where they were briefed on the BYD's latest EV models and the brand's efforts to promote new energy vehicles around the world.

While sitting in the front seat of a BYD EV, Brem-Nagy Marton, a Hungarian journalist, spoke of the growing popularity of Chinese EV brands in the global market, especially in Hungary. BYD is also currently building a factory in Hungary. "Definitely, electric vehicles are becoming the future of the world," he said in an interview with GDToday. "I think it's really important for Chinese brand BYD to make affordable but quality electric cars." This year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Hungary. He said he believes that a closer China-Hungary relationship will push for bilateral cooperation in promoting renewable energy in various fields.

Ales Kovacic, a Bloomberg journalist from Slovenia, shared his own perspective on the recent increased tariffs by the US on China's electric vehicles, as well as European ones. "I think that tariffs are hurting the economy. It's not a wise move," he said. According to him, using higher tariffs against global competitors is not standing on the right side of history. For the European side, he thinks the EU is relatively lagging behind in terms of new energy vehicles, as the region has been manufacturing and using internal combustion cars for over a century. He expects to see a more diverse EV market back in Slovenia, as Chinese brands like MG and Maxus have already established a presence there.

Next, the delegation will depart for Hangzhou in Zhejiang Province to explore regional socioeconomic development in China.

Reporter | Jersey

Video | Leo

Editor | Steven, James, Monica

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