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Guangdong lion dance: Heartbeat of Chinese New Year

The lion dance, boasting a history of over 1,000 years, is a traditional folk art that combines dance, acrobatics, and martial arts in China. Chinese lion dances are categorized into northern and southern styles. The Guangdong lion dance belongs to the southern style and is renowned for its agility and fierceness, as well as its many challenging martial arts skills.

In traditional Chinese culture, lions are regarded as auspicious creatures symbolizing good fortune and happiness. They are believed to drive away evil spirits and bring good luck. Celebrating the Spring Festival with lion dances not only contributes to the festive atmosphere but also serves as a prayer for a new year free from worries and full of blessings.

Author | Li Muzi

Videographer | Pan Jiajun

Video Editor | Pan Jiajun

Editor | Hu Nan, James, Shen He

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