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Sino-Micronesian collaboration produces remarkable outcomes: Expert

President of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) Wesley W. Simina paid a state visit to China from April 5 to 12. Noting that this year marks the 35th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and FSM, Chinese President Xi Jinping said China is willing to advance the relations between the two countries.

“The visit marks that China and FSM will deepen and enrich the comprehensive strategic partnership in the future,” said Wu Yan, Deputy Dean of the School of International Relations of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. 

She pointed out that China and FSM have treated each other with mutual respect and equality, and have also enjoyed friendly cooperation and win-win results.

China’s investment boosts international opportunities in FSM 

Based on the concept of a community with a shared future for humanity and the "Belt and Road" Initiative, China provides unconditional assistance to FSM. Wu elaborated that the assistance is tailored to FSM's needs, so it contributes to enhancing local livelihoods, benefiting the people, and boosting local economic and social development.

According to Wu’s observation, in recent years, China has increased investment in science, education, culture, health, and people-to-people exchanges on top of traditional cooperation areas such as infrastructure, economic and technical assistance, agriculture, and fishery.

She took the National Convention Center project as an example, which is supported by China and constructed by Guangdong’s enterprises. Covering an area of about 18,000 square meters with a construction area of 3,987 square meters, it includes the conference room, exhibition hall, office, and parking facilities. 

Upon completion in September 2024, it will be used for local and international conferences. The project has already received international recognition as a three-star green building.

“I think it's not only the simple construction, but it's also a bridge between FSM and the international society. They will have more opportunities to participate in international activities,” said Wu.

Guangdong plays a vital role in China-FSM bilateral cooperation 

President Wesley W. Simina visited south China’s Guangdong province from April 5 to 6, which was the first stop of Simina’s inaugural state visit to China.

Wu noted that President Wesley W. Simina's visit to Guangdong reflects the important role of Guangdong in China-FSM bilateral cooperation, and also provides new opportunities for enterprises of both sides. 

Since 2015, Guangdong has implemented medical care assistance and artistic performance projects and cooperated with FSM in disaster reduction and prevention.

In addition, Guangdong has contributed to human resources development in FSM. From 2015 to 2021, Guangdong had held 30 training courses in agriculture, fishery, medical care, and health services for FSM's people. The province also donated sports equipment and fitness facilities to enhance FSM's sports conditions. 

In terms of non-governmental and locally friendly cooperation, Guangdong has promoted the establishment of a friendship city tie between Zhongshan City and Ruer City (Yap State).

"We will enhance collaboration in areas such as climate change, sustainable development, agriculture, healthcare, cultural exchanges, infrastructure, and development cooperation in the future," said Wu.




Editor丨Steven, Nan, Abby, James

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