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The ShenZhong Link | Exploring the super project in person

We've come to see the ShenZhong Link before the opening of this mega project in June!

"The ShenZhong Link is just like the cross in the 'A'. It's a direct connection between the western and eastern parts of Guangdong." Yang Yang, Secretary of the Party Committee, ShenZhong Link Management Center of Guangdong Provincial Communication Group, told us. "Its opening will greatly contribute to economic development in the city integration of Zhongshan and Shenzhen." 

Construction of the ShenZhong Link commenced on December 28, 2016, and on April 13, 2024, it has officially entered the stage of bridge load test. With this construction, commuting between Shenzhen and Zhongshan is expected to take only 30 minutes, and from Hong Kong to Zhongshan, less than 1 hour.

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