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GDToday On Spot | Expressways to Zhanjiang Wuchuan Airport open to traffic

On December 28, the Zhanjiang Wuchuan Airport Expressway Phase I project and the Nansan Island Bridge Expressway both open to traffic. 

In the meantime, the Longtou Service Area (East) of the airport expressway has also started operations. There is a large screen displaying flight information, as well as a self-service check-in machine for passengers to print their boarding passes in advance.

The Zhanjiang Airport expressway project has a total length of 25 kilometers, and the construction is divided into two phases. The Phase I project is approximately 18 kilometers long, while the Phase II, expected to open to traffic in 2024, is about seven kilometers long.

In addition, a culture-themed hall is built inside the service area, displaying Zhanjiang's intangible culture, history, local specialties, and tourist attractions, among others.

Last September, a five-kilometer pilot expressway section opened to traffic, successfully connecting the airport with the Yunfu-Zhangjiang Expressway and the Wuchuan section of the Shantou-Zhanjiang Expressway.

As one of the key projects in Guangdong Province, the Nansan Island Bridge expressway spans 16 kilometers across the Nansan waters, connecting the island to Huangpo town in Wuchuan city of Zhanjiang.

The main bridge - Luzhou Bridge (3,043 meters) - is named after the Nansan Island, also known as “Luzhou Island”, because it used to be the winter migratory home of the egret (Chinese pinyin: Bai Lu) in ancient times.

The waters nearby are very important local bases for aquaculture production. A wide variety of seafood is available in Zhanjiang, including shrimp, fish, clam, oyster, squid, abalone, and crab.

Furthermore, the project has adopted measures to protect the environment during its construction, such as marine data monitoring and special pollution discharge pipelines.

Being Nansan Island’s first bridge expressway, it is also directly connected to Wuchuan Airport. Now, it's really more convenient for tourists to travel to Nansan Island and enjoy the beautiful seaside scenery.

Reporter | Fanny 

Video | Zhang tianxiong

Photos provided to GDToday

Editor | Nan, Will, James 

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