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Zhuhai's high-tech marvel: WeView Energy Storage's intelligent manufacturing for a sustainable future

The high-quality development-themed media tour in Guangdong concluded with a visit to the factory of WeView Energy Storage in Zhuhai, a leading high-tech company specializing in flow battery and intelligent manufacturing.

According to Liu Lei, WeView's chief officer of intelligent manufacturing, WeView developed the entire production line from scratch and has now achieved intelligent control of its production of flow battery through automation, digitalized design, planning, and construction. This allows the company to complete its entire production process with minimal worker involvement.

AI is also integrated into different aspects of WeView's production. Jiang Ning, vice president of WeView, highlighted that data collection, analysis models, and increased application scenarios of its product will provide stronger support, enhance battery efficiency and benefit all users.

Reporter | Eastbrook

Editor | Nan, James

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