Step into the pages of history with "Ho Chi Minh and Guangzhou: A Century of Vietnam-China Friendship." This year marks the 100th anniversary of Ho Chi Minh's revolutionary activities in Guangzhou, where he ignited the spark of Vietnam's independence movement and forged a vital partnership with the Communist Party of China. United by a shared ambition for independence and social change, their collaboration transcended borders, laying the groundwork for Vietnam's independence and strengthening the bonds between the two nations.
Through captivating insights from Professor Niu Junkai, Dean of the School of International Relations at Sun Yan-sen University, and personal stories from Như Quỳnh, a Vietnamese graduate now living in Guangzhou, we trace the deep-rooted connections between the two countries and discover how Ho Chi Minh's legacy continues to influence the cooperation between Vietnam and China, shaping the present and inspiring the future.
Reporter | Nick
Voiceover | Andrew
Video | Qin Shaolong
Editor | Guo Chuhua, Olivia, Nie Bin, James