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Dive into sunflower sea in Guangzhou's Panyu

As summer arrives in Guangzhou, over 6,000 sunflowers in the Lotus Mountain Scenic Spot are in full bloom. These golden blossoms dance gracefully in the breeze, with the backdrop of a large windmill, creating a popular spot for visitors to take the perfect Wechat Moments snap.

(Photo: Lotus Mountain Scenic Spot)

The peak blooming period for these sunflowers is expected to last between one to two weeks, and now is the prime time to witness their lush, picturesque beauty at its best.

(Photo: Lotus Mountain Scenic Spot)

Notably, in celebration of Mother's Day on May 12, Lotus Mountain will offer a special 50% discount on full-price admission tickets for all female visitors on that day. Additionally, on May 19, the 14th China Tourism Day, all visitors can enjoy a 50% discount on full-price tickets to the scenic area. Come and explore the natural beauty here!

Reporter: Holly

Editor: Steven, Will, James

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