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Winners of "My Guangdong Story" Global Solicitation for Short Videos released

The award list of the event "My Guangdong Story" Global Solicitation for Short Video was announced on March 30, with a total of 50 award-winning entries.

Ten participants won the Outstanding Video Award, 20 received the Outstanding Video Award Nomination, and ten participants from each of the Southcn.com (including GDToday) section and Douyin section won the Popular Video Award, with cash prizes of 10,000 RMB, 5,000 RMB, and 2,000 RMB per winner respectively.

Since the launch of the event on August 2, 2022, numerous netizens have shot and submitted their wonderful short videos, sharing their fascinating tales about Guangdong province. Additionally, the event was covered by more than 1,000 news outlets, websites, TV stations, and radio stations from 20 different nations. In the hashtag "proveyouarefamiliarwithguangdong" on TikTok, influencers from Indonesia, the Philippines, the US, the UK, France and so on also shot videos to tell their stories with Guangdong. Approximately 8,000 people participated in the event, with nearly 9,000 submissions, over 190 million views of the topic page of "My Guangdong Story" on Douyin, more than 2.3 million views on Weibo, and 13 million votes on the official webpage.

The process of evaluation started on November 1, 2022, with several celebrities from home and abroad as the judges for the final evaluation, including Jeffrey Lehmann, the EMMY-awarded host and producer of Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) in America, Hong Kong actor Wong Cho Lam, Xu Huijing, director of the documentary film Tough Out, and Ren Bingxu, director of the Institute for Planets' video department.

Lehmann said that many of the places featured in the entries brought back memories and introduced him to places he had never visited before. "All the stories were excellent, and all of the filmmakers should be very proud of themselves."

Some winning entries depicted such stories of youth in Guangdong as young people from the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) drew inspiration from Lingnan culture, a student from the Republic of El Salvador travelled halfway around the world to Guangdong to find relatives. Some entries excelled in editing, including an aerial video combining Cantonese dim sum and the Ferris wheel of the Canton Tower to form a "city couplet". All participants showed their creativity and recorded their stories with Guangdong.

Wong Cho Lam noticed while reviewing the entries that the participants had a deep affection for Guangdong. "After watching everyone's work, it was like I took a trip inside Guangdong. Everyone is wonderful, and the videos capture Guangdong in all its glory."

Xu Huijing commented that he could see the landscape and diverse cultures from different perspectives in the entries, many of which were very creative and valuable.

The participants included many video masters, according to Ren Bingxu, and he also got to experience Guangdong's natural splendour, diverse culture, and rich cuisine through the entries.

Title of entry: 湾区青年挺传统

Author: 王丽思

Organization: 暨南大学新闻与传播学院

Title of entry: 忘不了的城市

Author: 梁家曦

Organization: 青年影视创作基地

Title of entry: 鸳鸯肠

Author: Ken, Isaac, Melody

Title of entry: 广州之彩·从广彩读广州

Author: 集体

Organization: 广报G视频

Title of entry: 假如城市会说话

Author: 钟锡铭

Organization: 青年影视创作基地

Title of entry: 英国小哥学习古法蚝油技艺:珠海鱼林村的一脉“香”承 (How to Make Oyster Sauce using a 200 Year Old Recipe [How Does it Taste?])

Author: Stuart Wiggin(司徒建国), 吴桐, 王不为

Title of entry: 潮州茶道

Author: 章康婕, 杨洁莹, 苏予涵, 周子骞

Organization: UIC

Title of entry: 加拿大音乐人戴伟:广州像一个会律动的城市 (David from Canada: Guangzhou is a pretty swinging town, it moves)

Author: 集体

Organization: 南方财经全媒体集团

Title of entry: 俄罗斯Laughing哥的“圳”生活 (A Russian in Shenzhen)

Author: 集体

Organization: 深圳广电集团直新闻团队

Title of entry: 荷兰乐手在江门 以音乐为纽带 促进文化交流

Author: 刘运华, 王平强, 徐铃静, 司徒俊杰, 陈健强

(Information of the entry provided by participants)    


Winners will be notified via official text messages. 

Please contact myguangdongstory@gmail.com within 10 working days and submit the required documents before April 30, 2023, to get the prize. 

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