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Update | Shenzhen-Zhongshan Link completes asphalt road pavement construction

On May 16, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Link completed the entire asphalt paving of the road surface, laying a solid foundation for the upcoming opening in June.

The steel deck pavement of the Link covers a total area of 380,000 square meters, which is equivalent to that of 53 standard football fields. This makes the project the largest-scale one of its kind in the world.

With the completion of the asphalt paving of the entire line, the Link has entered the homestretch of the joint testing of electromechanical and communication facilities, the arrangement of traffic lines and signals, and the construction of housing.

Shenzhen-Zhongshan Link is expected to open to traffic in June this year. By then, it will be connected to the nearby expressway network and will greatly promote the integrated development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

Stretching 24 kilometers, the Link consists of one undersea tunnel, two bridges, and two artificial islands. Upon completion, the travel time from Shenzhen to Zhongshan will be reduced from the current two hours to less than 30 minutes.

Author | Fanny 

Editor | Will, James 

Photos provided to GDToday 

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