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China needs to think about how to globalize its AI industry: visiting Professor at Tsinghua University

The 2023 Understanding China Conference (UCC) kicked off in Guangzhou on December 2.

Christopher Thomas, visiting Professor at Tsinghua University, thinks highly of China's capability in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). "China has tremendous fundamental research in AI. It has more high-end AI papers than any other country. There are many patents globally in AI that are being filed. China is the number one filer of patents," he said.

Speaking of China's prospect in AI industry, Christopher Thomas noted that with great engineers, software, innovators and entrepreneurs, China needs to think about how to globalize its AI industry. "And to do that, there will have to be some sort of accommodation in agreement among the major powers about how we all work together, and that's a responsibility of everyone," he furthered.

Reporter | Nancy Ye

Video | Ou Xiaoming

Poster | Mia

Editor | Olivia, Steven, Will

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