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First released! A pangolin and its cub appear in the wild in Heyuan

Recently, a video of a pangolin walking in the wild with its cub was released for the first time in Heyuan, Guangdong.

The traces of pangolins in Heyuan have been founded many times. In February 2020, traces of pangolins were found in Longwo Town, Zijin County, Heyuan. A research team from the Pangolin Conservation Research Center, National Forestry and Grassland Administration found that there is a wild population of Chinese pangolins in the area after a field investigation.

In December 2020, the team deployed thermal imaging infrared cameras in Pengzhai Town and Linzhai Town, Heping County, and captured videos of Chinese pangolins foraging in the wild a month later.

On March 19, 2021, a rare video of an adult pangolin traveling with its cub was also recorded for the first time by these cameras.

As of November 2022, more than 1,200 videos of Chinese pangolins have been recorded in the forest area of Heping County, with a habitat of about 557 square kilometers.

Author | Alice

Video | Alice

Editor | Wing, Olivia, Monica, Jerry

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