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Rare bird species spotted at Guangzhou's Haizhu Wetland

On April 9th, volunteers at Haizhu National Wetland Park in Guangzhou made the first sighting of an Oriental white stork in Haizhu Lake, which is considered a first-class protected species.

(Photo: Guangzhou Haizhu Fabu)

It presents an elegant appearance with its long, scarlet legs and feet, strong black beak, pure white body feathers, and brilliant green or purple wings. The species primarily inhabits shallow water areasalongtheperimetersof lakes, reservoirs, and ponds.

(Photo: Guangzhou Haizhu Fabu)

It is classified as endangered on the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature. China extended protection in 1989.

Haizhu Wetland Park, situated at the convergence point of two migratory routes in the eastern and central parts of China, has emerged as a safe haven for numerous long-distance migratory birds. It is hailed as a bird paradise.

Here are some other rare avian species found in Haizhu Wetland Park.

Yellow-breasted bunting

(Photo: Haizhu Wetland)

The bird's most distinctive feature is a plume of bright yellow feathers on its chest. Its population was not at riskin 2000, but numbers have decreased sharply in recent years.

Blue-throated bee-eater

(Photo: Haizhu Wetland)

The birds, acclaimed by many as the most beautiful small birds in China, are known for their distinctive blue throats and feathers that display a variety of colors, including blue, green, chestnut, and black.

Blue-tailed Bee-eater

(Photo: Haizhu Wetland)

The blue-tailed bee-eater is a colorful tropical bird that usually inhabits Southeast Asia. Being highly migratory, it can bespotted during specific seasonsin the southern and eastern coastal areas of China.

White-throated Kingfisher

(Photo: Southern Metropolis Daily)

The White-throated Kingfisher has light brown feathers covering its entire head and body, except for its breast, which is covered with beautiful white feathers. This unique feature is how it got its name.

The beautiful ecological environment of the park makes it an unrivaleddestinationfor spring outings. Here are some ideal scenic spots for you to fully enjoy nature's embrace.

Haizhu Wetland Phase Ⅰ

A vast expanse of canola flowers, covering an area of 20,000 square meters, blooms in full splendor. (Photo: Haizhu Wetland)

Haizhu Wetland Phase II

The fruit orchard wetland landscape, rich in Lingnan characteristics, serves as a habitat for numerous wild flora and fauna. (Photo: Haizhu Wetland)

Haizhu Lake

The Grey Herons and Great Egrets forage or rest on the shallows. (Photo: Haizhu Wetland)

Ticket: Free admission

Open hours: 9:00-17:00 from Tuesday to Sunday, closed every Monday (holiday extension).


1.Take No. 14, 45, 206, 250, 252, 264, 270, 762 to Xinjiang Middle Road (Longtan Station), and then walk 100 meters east.

2.Take Metro Line 3 to Datang Station (use Exit B), and then take a bus, taxi or Mobike to the North Gate of Haizhu Wetland Park. The distance is 2 km.

Reporter | Bubble

Editor | Nan, Abby, Monica, James

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