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Chinese culture highlighted at int'l students gala in Guangdong

On December 18, the 2023 International Students Gala under the theme of "Charming Guangdong, Living My Dreams" was held at South China Agricultural University. The event featured martial arts, singing, dancing, recitation, costume display and sand painting, and was attended by about 1,000 international students from 60 countries.

"2023 marks the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Guangdong has been on the forefront of China's reform and opening up and is deeply engaged in the construction of the BRI, which will provide more opportunities for international exchanges," stated Yuan Baocheng, vice chairman of the CPPCC Guangdong Provincial Committee and vice chairman of the Guangdong Public Diplomacy Association. He hoped that international students in Guangdong could further their understanding of China, gain knowledge, friendship, and personal growth, and contribute to the construction of the BRI and a community with a shared future for mankind.

Li Fengliang, chairman of South China Agricultural University Committee, introduced that the university is one of the earliest universities in China to enroll international students and implement training projects to assist foreign countries in education. Since the 1950s, the university has cultivated more than 2,000 international students from over 140 countries. Li expects that young students from various countries can enhance their communication and form friendships through this activity. He hopes they will become "friendship ambassadors" to promote exchanges and mutual understanding between their home countries and China. He also believes that they will contribute to the establishment of a community with a shared future for mankind.

International students from 10 universities in Guangdong, including Sun Yat-sen University, South China University of Technology, Jinan University, South China Normal University, South China Agricultural University, and Shenzhen University, presented performances during the activity.

A Generation Blossoms, Youth Sings in Guangdong from South China Agricultural University

Road of Our Dreams from Shenzhen University

Chinese from South China University of Technology

Friends From Afar from Jinan University 

Shan Gao Shui Chang from Sun Yat-sen University

Upon expert scoring, the top prizes went to A Generation Blossoms, Youth Sings in Guangdong from South China Agricultural University, Road of Our Dreams from Shenzhen University and Chinese from South China University of Technology. Friends from Afar from Jinan University, Shan Gao Shui Chang from Sun Yat-sen University, Fill the World with Love from Southern Medical University, Guangdong Wave from Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, and Chinese Kungfu from South China Normal University won the second prizes. Eight performances, including The Sound of Youth from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies and The Moon Speaks of My Mind from Guangdong University of Finance & Economics, were awarded the third prizes.

"The performances of international students are diverse and wonderful, which not only showcase their youthful vigor but also embody the exchanges and integration between different cultures," exclaimed Xiao, an English major from the School of Foreign Languages at South China Agricultural University.

The event is hosted by the Guangdong Public Diplomacy Association, Guangdong People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Guangdong Education Association for International Exchange, and organized by South China Agricultural University and Guangdong Association for International Education Management.

Reporter | Abby

Editor | Steven, James

Photos provided to GDToday

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