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Visionary strategies unveiled for holistic cultural heritage protection and living legacy safeguarding

On the morning of May 24, the Sub-Forum on Holistic Protection of Cultural Heritage and Safeguarding Living Heritage was held in Shenzhen as part of the Forum on Building up China’s Cultural Strength 2024.

(Photo: GDToday)

Zhang Hua, Deputy Mayor of Shenzhen Municipal People's Government, emphasized the need to accelerate the establishment of a systematic protection system for cultural heritage, including historical relics, ancient architecture, and historic districts.

At the forum, experts shared their insights on the comprehensive protection of cultural heritage and the vital inheritance of living heritage.

"The project to explore the source of Chinese civilization should be pushed further back into prehistory." Gao Xing, Researcher at Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, said at the forum.

Fan Jinshi, Honorary President of Dunhuang Academy, also known as "The Daughter of Dunhuang", highlighted the importance of prioritizing protection efforts over tourism development. She said, "We need to put protection ahead of tourism. The tourism industry in Dunhuang is booming because of the Mogao Grottoes, and people are willing to come to Dunhuang because the grottoes are well protected."

"A living legacy is one that can metabolize. The living historical heritage should resemble a person, constantly evolving over time. This necessitates the establishment of unique updating regulations and criteria for each and every heritage. Each legacy thrives within its own narrative," said Zhao Yanjing, Professor at the School of Architecture and Civil Engineering and School of Economics, Xiamen University.

Fang Qin, Dean of Hubei Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, proposed strengthening research on water conservancy civilization in the Yangtze River Basin and leveraging digital technology to showcase the ancestral water conservancy ideas and civilization.

Wang Chenyang, Party Chief of the China National Arts and Crafts Museum (China Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum), revealed that strengthening the construction of national cultural and ecological protection zones has been increasing effective. "It has become a leading force in systematic protection, driving national cultural and ecological protection actions related to intangible cultural heritage," said Wang.

Reporter | Hannah

Editor | Nan, Abby

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