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Diplomats Explore GD | A striking scene to turn waste into treasure

"A garbage disposal project in Foshan looks like an ecological park." Jordan's Ambassador to China Hussam Al Husseini said when visiting a company specializing in environmental services. 

On January 16, the diplomats visited Foshan’s Grandblue Environment Co., Ltd, a listed company focusing on waste disposal, energy, water supply, drainage, and more. This Guangdong company has provided services to a total of 35 cities in 16 provincial-level regions.

"I think it was very impressive to see how well-established this facility is. When you come to a dump facility, you always expect to smell and see an uncomfortable environment. On the contrary, I felt like I was coming to an ecological park, more than just a waste management site," he said.

He continued, “What we have learned is that this new technology is not only contributing to the waste of treatment and management concept, but also to the environment by producing much less emissions of carbon dioxide, and creating a safer environment.”

"We have a long history of cooperation with China. As a partner and a friendly country to China, we always benefit from this kind of advancement," he said.

Author | Hannah

Video | Jimmy

Editor | Steven, Will, James

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