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3 tips on how to prevent dengue fever in summer

As the summer is to reach its peak, the scorching heat brings a wave of bothersome insects like mosquitoes. Guangdong CDC warns that the province is about to enter the high-occurrence season of dengue fever.

Dengue fever is an acute infectious disease caused by dengue virus and transmitted by Aedes species mosquitoes, mostly occurring in summer and autumn. 

The main symptoms include fever, rash, and systemic pain. In Guangdong, the season of dengue fever usually starts from June to November, with a higher occurrence rate from August to September. People of all ages can be infected.

Experts warn that the initial symptoms of dengue fever are similar to those of cold, and still there are differences.

The symptoms of a cold include fever, often accompanied by respiratory symptoms such as nasal congestion, running nose, and cough. The typical clinical manifestations of dengue fever include a sudden onset of fever, aches and pains (headache, pain behind the eyes, muscle pain, joint or bone pain), rash, and flushing on the face, neck, and chest.

Mosquito prevention and eradication is the key to preventing dengue fever. Guangdong CDC gives some suggestions: To eliminate mosquito habitats, clean your house and practice good hygiene; empty and clean containers that hold standing water, such as planting containers and flower vases; if you have water storage equipment at home, replace it with fresh water and clean it every 5-7 days; keep the drains clear by clearing up the litter and leaves.

To eliminate mosquitoes, electric mosquito repellent devices, electric mosquito swatter, etc. are the preferred options. If you use mosquito coils, follow the instructions and put them in the windward direction of the ventilated place.

Preventing mosquito bites is of great importance. You can install screen doors and windows and use mosquito nets at home, and wear light-colored, long-sleeved clothes and long trousers when going out. For outdoor activities, you can apply mosquito repellent spray to exposed skin and clothes.

Guangdong CDC reminds that people with a travel history to countries or regions where dengue fever is prevalent in the past two weeks, or living in a city with dengue fever infections, should seek medical attention immediately if any suspected symptom occurs.

Author | Hannah, Krystal (intern)

Editor | Wing, Keane, Monica, Jerry

Source | Guangdong CDC

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