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French Wine and Food Culture Festival: a taste of China-France friendship

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, the "2024 French Wine and Food Culture Festival" was held on May 25 at Imperial Springs in Guangzhou. This year is also the China-France Year of Culture and Tourism, which opens a new chapter of cultural exchanges between the two countries.

The French Wine and Food Culture Festival aims to promote people-to-people exchanges, economic and trade cooperation between China and France in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) to facilitate further substantial development of bilateral relations.

The event featured a selection of more than 70 quality wines from France, covering almost all wine production regions in France, fully showcasing the variety of fine French wines. Selected French cuisine dishes, made by French star chefs, were also presented at the festival. The dinner included eight dishes, all classics in French cuisine.

More than 100 Chinese and foreign guests from various sectors, including the industrial, business and cultural sectors, attended the event to enjoy the feast of fine wine and delicious cuisine together. During the feast, Chinese and French artists presented the guests with wonderful performances, including Guzheng music performance, Chinese and French traditional dancing, etc. The beauty of the East and the romantic elegance of the West were blended here, demonstrating a vivid picture of cross-cultural convergence.

Irina Bokova, Director General of UNESCO, celebrated the opening of the event via a video speech and pointed out that the event served to deepen cultural exchanges, foster friendship and enhance cooperation between China and France.

Dr. Chau Chak Wing, Founder and Chairman of the Kingold Group, said in the opening remarks that China and France were both countries with rich cultures and that food and wine were important bridges for cultural exchanges and people-to-people interactions between countries.

François Janoueix, inheritor of a century-old French winery, expressed his wish to introduce more French wines to Guangdong in the future and welcomed Chinese tourists to travel to France.

Wines and foods carry the national history and culture of countries and enhance the mutual understanding between Chinese and French people. By the end of the event, participating guests highly appreciated the activities and hoped that more such cultural exchange events could be held in the future, further deepening China-France friendship on all fronts, especially strengthening the people-to-people ties between the two countries.

Reporter | Guo Chuhua

Photo | Imperial Springs

Editor | Will, James

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