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23 Consuls General and representatives visit Hengqin

From May 26th to 27th, the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China in the Macao Special Administrative Region invited foreign Consuls General in Macao and Hong Kong to explore the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin, experiencing the latest changes and vibrant energy in this area. Consuls General and representatives from 23 countries, including Russia, Kazakhstan, South Africa, and Malaysia, participated in the activities.

The delegation attended the 2024 Hengqin Global Investment Promotion Conference, looking into the preferential policies and business environment of the cooperation zone. They visited the Hengqin planning exhibition hall, the "second-tier" management operation area, and the cross-border e-commerce live broadcast base, engaging in on-site discussions with the cooperation zone's executive committee and representatives from enterprises.

Liu Xianfa, Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China in the Macao Special Administrative Region, said that this year marks the 25th anniversary of Macao's return to China and the 3rd anniversary of the establishment of the cooperation zone in Hengqin. In March this year, the cooperation zone officially implemented tier-specific management, allowing tech firms to "research in Macao, transform in Hengqin," and enabling Macao residents to "live in Macao, work in Hengqin." The new industrial model has been preliminarily established, which integrates Macao’s platform, international resources, Hengqin's land, and achievements shared together, thus accelerating the aggregation of new quality productive forces and innovative elements. Both Chinese and foreign renowned enterprise headquarters are settling in, showcasing the unique charm of Hengqin as a place suitable for living, working, and touring. China will promote high-quality development through new quality productive forces, benefiting Hong Kong, Macao, and the rest of the world with the achievements of Chinese modernization. Liu expressed the wish that Consuls General would play a bonding role, encouraging companies and individuals from their countries to invest and develop business, as well as engage in tourism in the cooperation zone. The Office is willing to work together with all parties to contribute to exchanges and cooperation in Macao and the cooperation zone.

At the event, Almas Seitakynov, delegation representative and the Consul General of Kazakhstan in Hong Kong, expressed gratitude for the meticulously organized and diverse visiting activities. He said that the cooperation zone, as an energetic and vibrant growth center in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA), is rapidly developing and changing every day. It provides new cooperative opportunities for various countries like Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan is willing to leverage the zone's unique advantages and deepen exchanges and cooperation in various fields such as economy, trade, tourism, and culture.

The guests said that through this visit, they have further deepened their understanding of the development plans, preferential policies, business environment, and cooperative advantages of the cooperation zone. They believe that the zone will undoubtedly become a new platform for cooperation between Macao and other parts of the world. They are willing to enhance exchanges with the Office, the cooperation zone, and the Macao SAR Government to embrace new development opportunities in Hengqin.

Photo provided to GDToday

Editor | Monica, Clarice, James

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