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Photo | Chinese Loong Dance for celebrating Lantern Festival in Huizhou

On February 24, the Lantern Festival, Huizhou City in Guangdong Province hosted a Loong Dance parade under the theme of "Dancing with Chinese Loongs". The event featured two main highlights: a grand Loong Dance parade and an intangible cultural heritage showcase. Both activities will be live broadcast online.

The parade featured five grand formations, bringing together 18 national intangible cultural heritage Loong Dance projects from 12 provinces across China, as well as two lion dance teams from Hong Kong and Macao, and 31 intangible cultural heritage projects from within Guangdong Province.

What are the cultural differences between Chinese "loong" and Western "dragon"? In the west, the dragons are negative, referring to evil and fierce beasts that have to be killed. However, in the Chinese culture, the loong is considered an auspicious symbol, predominantly converging positive connotations such as excellence, power, prestige, royalty and good luck.

Reporter | Clarice

Photo | Nanfang Plus

Editor | Nan, Abby

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