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First CUHK (SZ) International Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition concludes with success

The finals of the first Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) International Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition concluded on January 22 at the Liwen Hall of CUHK (SZ).

Since its launch on November 17, 2023, the competition has received a total of 232 projects from domestic districts/cities and overseas, including Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Macao, Singapore, etc. The participating projects span four industries: biomedicine and medical equipment, big data and artificial intelligence, high-end intelligent manufacturing, new materials and new energy. After preliminary and expert reviews, 23 projects advanced to the finals.
This final featured a judge panel of 10 expert and 20 guests from prominent investment institutions, industry-leading companies, financial service institutions, and Hong Kong's innovation and entrepreneurship sector. After more than 6 hours of fierce competition, one first prize, one second prize, and one third prize were awarded to each of the maker group and enterprise group, while the rest received excellence awards.
The competition has a total prize fund of nearly 2 million yuan, including 500,000 yuan for the first prize in the enterprise group and 300,000 yuan for the first prize in the maker group. In addition, the competition also sets up excellence awards to recognize projects with outstanding performance in four fields: biomedicine and medical devices, big data and artificial intelligence, high-end intelligent manufacturing, new materials and new energy.

Professor Xu Yangsheng, the president of CUHK (SZ) and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said that this competition held on the tenth anniversary of the founding of CUHK (SZ) is of great significance. "We hope to use this competition as an opportunity to build a platform for school-enterprise cooperation in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and attract more outstanding innovation and entrepreneurship projects to land in Shenzhen," he said.

Author | Alice

Editor | Nan, Abby, James

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