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Police-reported incidents drop 18.8% in Zhuhai

The number of incidents reported to police decreased by 18.8 percent year on year in 2022 in Zhuhai, south China's Guangdong province, as a result of police operations to address problems affecting local communities, according to a statement recently released by the Guangdong Provincial Public Security Department.

A street sign shows the name and phone number of the traffic policeman in charge of the road. (Photo provided to GDToday)

Zhuhai police increased more than 14,000 on-street parking spaces and over 1,700 night-time parking spaces across the city in 2022, in order to resolve parking problems which have plagued residents.

To address disputes involving tourists from other cities or provinces, Zhuhai police set up an online mediation platform where the related parties can complete all the procedures, saving time and resources from traveling back to Zhuhai and improving work efficiency.

Author | Lydia Liu

Editor | Wing, Monica, Nan, Jerry

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