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GDToday's first city channel featuring Dongguan launched today

On May 17, the Dongguan Channel, GDToday's first city channel cooperated with Dongguan City, was officially launched.

The unveiling ceremony of the International Communication Centers of Dongguan Daily and Dongguan Radio and TV Station was also held on-site.

Guests from the provincial and city levels attended the event, including Xiao Yafei, Party Secretary of Dongguan, Liu Qiyu, President of Nanfang Media Group, Huang Can, Editor-in-Chief of Nanfang Media Group, and Deng Hong, Deputy Director General of the Information Office of the People's Government of Guangdong Province.

Dongguan is a key city in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and one of the most vibrant regions of China's open economy. With its extensive external connections and large overseas Chinese population, Dongguan serves as an important window for the world to engage with China and the Greater Bay Area. This has placed greater demands on Dongguan's ability to effectively tell its story.

As the first channel of GDToday designed for its jointly constructed cities, Dongguan Channel will be committed to establishing itself as an authoritative hub for disseminating information about Dongguan, a global platform showcasing the opportunities within Dongguan, and a platform promoting the charm of Dongguan on a global scale. Through a comprehensive array of reports and wide-reaching dissemination efforts, it aims to narrate the story of Dongguan to a global audience.

Scan the QR code to visit  Dongguan Channel on GDToday

Reporter | Jin Yanming, Wu Qinhu, Xie Maishi

Photo | Huang Zhengzheng

Video | Deng Hao, Ou Xiaoming

English | Olivia, Monica, James

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