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Misty Mornings in Guangzhou Zengcheng, Like the "City in the Sky"

As winter approaches, the morning mist gradually thickens. The radiant sky unveiled the ethereal morning mist when the fields, mountains, and city skyscrapers were still in slumber. It climbed over rivers and lakes and weaved through the trees, resembling a mysterious veil that blankets the land of Zengcheng.

In the early dawn, the city skyscrapers were enveloped in mist, creating a hazy and elusive scene of "city in the mist, mist in the city." In this enchanting season, mountains, water, and the city merge into one in the mist, outlining a picturesque ink painting. Take a moment to cast away the complexities in your heart and witness the morning mist, embracing the extraordinary beauty of the scenery.

 Photo by Luo Xiaomin

 Photo by Liu Renxin

 Photo by Lu Youguang

 Photo by Liu Houting

 Photo by Mao Minxian

 Photo by He Huacai

Source | Yangcheng Evening News

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