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'Pet Bus' launched in Shenzhen

The first pet-friendly bus line H239 was launched in Shenzhen on April 13th.

Currently, this route only operates on weekends and holidays, covering a total distance of 15.3 kilometers with seven stops. On operational days, the bus departs from Deyefeng Business Center Bus Stop at 13:30 and returns from Wangjingkeng (Pet Paradise) at 18:30. The fare is 20 RMB per seat, and standing tickets are not available.

Pet-friendly Bus: Route H239

First and last stops: Deyefeng Business Center -- Wangjingkeng (Pet Paradise)

Stops: Deyefeng Business Center, Honglangbei Metro Station, Zhongliang Chuangxin Park North, Xingdong Metro Station, Yunchengdongli (Zhaohu Stop), Jiuxiangling②, Wangjingkeng (Pet Paradise)

Service hours: Weekends and statutory holidays (First departure: 13:30; last departure: 18:30)

Ticket price: flat rate, 20 RMB per seat

Passengers traveling with pets on the pet-friendly bus need to purchase tickets in advance via the Youdian Travel app or WeChat mini-program and reserve seats. When purchasing tickets, passengers should select the number of seats based on the breed, age, and weight of their dogs. No ticket is needed for pets that do not occupy seats.

To maintain good order on the pet-friendly bus, passengers traveling with pets must adhere to the following requirements:

  • Pets must be healthy, free from infectious diseases, and have received relevant vaccinations. Before boarding, pet owners must proactively show the dog registration certificate (for dogs) and vaccination certificate (for cats) to the driver, along with the boarding code.

  • Pets must be on a leash or lead at all times during the journey and must be under the control of their owners.

  • For the safety of passengers and pets, dogs must wear a muzzle throughout the entire journey. Cats must be transported in carriers or cages provided by their owners and must remain inside the carrier or cage during the journey.

  • To maintain a comfortable and clean environment on board, pets must wear pet diapers to prevent any excrement from affecting the surroundings. If any accidental contamination occurs or disturbs other passengers, passengers must promptly clean up and negotiate related cleaning fees.

  • Pets are not allowed to roam freely, bark excessively, or attack other passengers inside the bus. If any such behavior occurs, passengers must immediately stop it and report it to the staff.

Editors | Nan Hu, Will, Lydia Liu, James

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