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Projects worth over 30 billion RMB signed at 2024 CIFIE·CIPFIE

The 8th China International Food and Ingredients Expo and the 2nd China International Pre-Made Food Industry Expo (2024 CIFIE·CIPFIE) concluded in Dongguan on April 14.

According to the organizers, over 30,000 visitors attended the 2024 CIFIE·CIPFIE in person, and the total value of contracts signed on-site exceeded 30 billion yuan. More than 100 procurement and cooperation agreements were successfully reached.

The 2024 CIFIE·CIPFIE took place in Dongguan from April 12 to 14, attracting participation from over 1,500 companies representing more than 20 countries and regions worldwide. Additionally, over 5,000 professional buyers attended the event to engage in productive discussions and negotiations, showcasing the latest achievements in the international and domestic agricultural and food industries.

During the 2024 CIFIE·CIPFIE, the Dongguan Pre-Made Food Industry Association was established, with the involvement of 23 founding companies from various sectors such as agricultural produce and food production, processing, logistics, warehousing, catering distribution, and agricultural wholesale markets.

With the aim of becoming a city renowned for its billion-dollar core food industry and a world-class hub for food manufacturing and trading, Dongguan is actively cultivating talent and setting industry standards while striving for continuous development in the promising field of pre-made food.

Reporter: Xie Maishi, Shi Mei

Photo: Gong Mingyang, He Qiying

Editor: Monica, Abby, James

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