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Key takeaways from the Sub-Forum on Enhancing the All-Media Communication System at ICIF

On May 24, the Sub-Forum on Enhancing the All-Media Communication System was held in Shenzhen as an integral part of the Forum on Building up China's Cultural Strength 2024, ICIF. This sub-forum provided key insights on strategies for integrated media development in the era of all-media communication.

"High-quality content production remains the primary focus of mainstream media," emphasized Xu Lijing, deputy editor-in-chief of People's Daily, during her speech. She highlighted the importance of ensuring stable and consistent ability to produce and provide high-quality content for mainstream media to enhance their influence and competitiveness.

Subsequently, during a roundtable discussion within the Sub-Forum, experts from industry and academia shared insights into the impact of AI technology on constructing the All-Media Communication System, discussing both its benefits and drawbacks.

In the era of artificial intelligence, particularly with the rise of AIGC, the features of the "post-truth" phenomenon are becoming more pronounced. Yang Yi, Vice President of Communication University of China, stressed the urgency of protecting public cognitive security. 

Reporter: Chen Jianing

Poster: Lulu

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