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InPics | Huizhou Daya Bay hosts dragon boat "F1" on the sea

On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, which fell on June 10 this year, the Huizhou Daya Bay Economic and Technological Development Zone Dragon Boat Invitational Tournament took place at Huizhou's Aotou Harbor, igniting the waters with excitement.

A bird's-eye view of Huizhou Daya Bay (Photo provided to GDToday)

17 dragon boat teams consisting of over 450 participants from villages, communities, and companies in Daya Bay and Hong Kong participated in the competition. Over 10,000 spectators gathered along the shore to witness the thrilling competition. The live streaming of the tournament gained 126,000 views and 423,000 likes.

People painted the eyes of the "dragon head" before departure (Photo provided to GDToday)

Fierce dragon boat racing competition on the vast sea (Image provided to GDToday)

Each team had their unique uniforms (Photo: Huizhou Daily / Tang Yuhang, Chen Tao)

After fierce competition, Dongsheng Village, Qianjin Village, and Jinmentang Village secured the first, second, and third places, respectively, in the women's division. The Dongsheng Village team emerged victorious in the men's division as well, winning the championship by a margin of just one second.

The men's team of Dongsheng Village (Photo: Huizhou Daily / Tang Yuhang, Chen Tao)

The men's team of Dongsheng Village was excited after winning the championship (Photo: Huizhou Daily / Tang Yuhang, Chen Tao)

The women's team of Dongsheng Village rowed the boat quickly (Photo: Huizhou Daily / Tang Yuhang, Chen Tao)

The women's team of Jinmentang Village (Photo: Huizhou Daily / Tang Yuhang, Chen Tao)

The event was interspersed with vibrant cultural performances that enchanted the audience. Traditional fisherfolk boat dance, drum dance, a poem recitation of "Li Sao," a martial arts show, and a fisherfolk fashion show were staged during the intervals of the event.

A dancer in the traditional costume danced on the drum, like a fairy (Image provided to GDToday)

Dragon dance performance (Photo: Yangcheng Evening News)

Such an event in Guangdong would not be complete without food. At the wharf, the event provided a feast with 10 famous local delicacies and traditional snacks from Daya Bay for athletes and spectators. Highlights included fish sauce duck, Hakka turnip dumplings, Hakka wormwood dumplings, fisherfolk tangyuan (glutinous rice ball), and wild seaweed from Sanmen, all of which are recognized as Daya Bay's intangible cultural heritage.

Reporter | Chen Longyan

Editor | Abby, James

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