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New batch of rule coordination mechanism cases in GBA unveiled, emphasizing on practical cross-border projects on people's livelihood

(Photo: Nanfang Plus)

The Guangdong Provincial Office of the Leading Group for the Development of the GBA released the second batch of 16 typical rule coordination mechanism cases in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) on May 13th.

This year, several cross-border projects on improving people's livelihood within the Greater Bay Area are on the list, including 1).the implementation of schemes for "Northbound travel for Hong Kong and Macao"; 2).the launch of the OneStop mini program on WeChat and Alipay apps, 3). the "single submission" service on custom clearance; 4). the setup of Hong Kong cross-boundary public services self-service kiosks; 5)."One-stop" inspection lanes for passengers and commercial vehicles at Hengqin Port; 6).Issuance of regulations helping certain professionals in Macao facilitate cross-border practice.

These initiatives underscore Guangdong's ongoing commitment to improving the well-being and quality of life for residents within the Greater Bay Area, furthering the region's development and prosperity.

In addition, other cases cover the field of business environment improvement and major platform construction. Compared with the first batch of typical cases released last year, the second batch continues to demonstrate high innovative value and present positive demonstration effects within the region. Some cases have further deepened and expanded on the basis of previous achievements, strengthening the rule coordination mechanism.

Reporter | Eastbrook

Editor | Nan, James

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