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New site of Guangzhou Institute of Technology, Xidian University comes into use

Recently, the new site of Guangzhou Institute of Technology, Xidian University was put into use.

The new site of this institute is located in the Science and Education Innovation Zone of China-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City. The project was signed on February 28, 2020, and launched on May 28 of the same year, with a total construction area of 335,800 square meters.
The construction mainly includes experimental rooms, scientific research and achievement transformation rooms, teaching rooms, administrative office rooms, libraries, student dormitories, expert and postdoctoral apartments, canteens, gymnasiums, green landscapes, and other supporting facilities.

Guangzhou Third Generation Semiconductor Innovation Center, Cryptozoology Innovation Center, and other national platform sub-centers, led by Guangzhou Institute of Technology and Xidian University, will focus on promoting core technology research in the fields of integrated circuits, artificial intelligence, digital economy, 5G applications, and others. Currently, the institute has applied for a total of five national key research and development plans, 26 National Natural Science Foundation projects, and 118 vertical projects at all levels.

Since its opening in the Knowledge City in September 2020, the institute has now gathered two academicians, 13 national-level talents, and nine provincial and ministerial-level talents. It has opened 53 enterprise-specific practical courses and trained more than 2,500 master's and doctoral students.

Author | Alice

Editor | Steven, Monica, James

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