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President of China Spain Business Association highlights Sino-Spanish cultural exchange potential

"China and Spain have numerous opportunities and great potential for cultural exchange, and we are dedicated to fostering collaboration between artists from both countries," Juan Carlos Vélez Cerezo, President of China Spain Business Association and EU-China Business Association, told GDToday reporter at the 20th China (Shenzhen) International Cultural Industries Fair (ICIF) on May 23.

Juan Carlos Vélez Cerezo (L1), Turkish vlogger Neslihan Kilavuz (L2), and Shi Moran (R1), Culture Department Head of EU Spain Bussiness Association, at the 20th ICIF (Photo: Zhong Yongcong)

Vélez and his team brought a collection of artworks from both Spanish and Chinese artists to the ICIF this year, saying that he was delighted to be at this fair as it has provided them with many opportunities for joint efforts.

Vélez believes that Chinese and Spanish art have many connections and a lot in common, and the Sino-Spanish cultural exchange is the process of seeking common ground and preserving differences.

"In the realm of art, language barriers dissolve, allowing for a universal mode of expression," Vélez continued, "Our role is to act as a bridge, creating more possibilities through this connection. The essence of art lies in the sparks created by these cultural differences."

Related news: Follow Turkish vlogger to meet ICIF's international friends 

Reporter: Holly

Editor: Monica, James

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