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Hengqin's closed-loop operation reaches 100 days with persistent release of policy benefits

Photo: provided to GDToday

On June 9, Hengqin's closed-loop operation reached the 100-day milestone, with the implementation of the tax policy of "opening up the first line and controlling the second line".

According to statistics from the Gongbei Customs, as of June 9, Hengqin Port, as one of the 'first line' ports, has witnessed the entry and exit of over 600,000 vehicles, representing a year-on-year increase of approximately 12.3%. Around 533,000 Macao residents passed the customs through the new channel, and 2,838 Macao residents have applied for the entry of certain animal and plant products into Hengqin, with a total of 1,968 batches of specific animal and plant products scheduled for entry. The "second line" has also cleared over 4.81 million outbound vehicles.

After the implementation of the closed-loop operation, the duty-free policy for goods entering Hengqin from Macao through the "first line" ports has also been further expanded to benefit  six major groups, including enterprises, social groups, and private non-enterprise units. The list of non-duty-free goods has been significantly reduced.

Currently, 61 enterprises and institutions are qualified to import duty-free, and another 25 entities have passed the initial review for duty-free qualification, involving key industries such as scientific research and development, high-end manufacturing, cultural tourism, exhibitions, and commerce.

Reporter: Eastbrook

Editor: Nan, James

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