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Shiwan Ceramics Meet Panamanian Geisha Coffee: A Dialogue Between Treasures

Ms. Yamileth Ye Li, Consul General of the Republic of Panama in Guangzhou, due to her ancestral roots in Guangdong, often actively integrates into Lingnan traditional culture. When faced with Shiwan ceramics creation, can she handle it with ease? Shiwan ceramics masters create dragons in various forms, but have you ever seen a dragon that looks like a human? Amidst these dragons, Ms. Yamileth Ye Li takes on the role of a hairstylist. Will she be able to cleverly design unique hairstyles for the dragon?

Geisha coffee is one of the most sought-after coffee varieties in Panama. However, when it comes to the "aristocrat" Geisha coffee in the coffee world, can we really afford it? When selecting coffee beans, can Ms. Yamileth Ye Li and Vivian distinguish which one is the Geisha coffee? It turns out that the reason behind the high price of Geisha coffee is actually because...

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