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NDA to promote digital governance construction

The National Data Administration will step up efforts to promote the construction of digital government and accelerate reform related to market-oriented allocation of data elements, as part of its broader push to improve the utilization level of data resources, said Liu Liehong, head of the country's top regulator for data governance.

He said the administration will coordinate and bolster the sharing of government data; continuously improve the efficiency of data sharing; and give better play to the role of data in precise governance, optimized services and scientific decision-making.

Liu made the remarks at the second Digital Government Construction Summit and Digital Greater Bay Area Development Forum held in Guangzhou, Guangdong province on Friday.

In order to bolster the circulation and use of public data, Liu emphasized that more efforts should be made to implement the mechanism concerning the separation of data property rights, speed up the establishment of a safe and reliable data infrastructure, and advance the integration of data in some key sectors.

He also called for exploring new models about authorization and usage of enterprise data, promoting the development of data providers and optimizing the layout of data exchanges, as well as propelling the innovation of core technologies in data segment, in a bid to fully unleash the value of data elements and better serve the real economy.

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