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China-LAC Technology Transfer Center inaugurated in Dongguan

On June 28, the inauguration ceremony of the new China-Latin America and Caribbean, or China-LAC Technology Transfer Center, was held in Dongguan, Guangdong. It is the only national-level institution for cross-border technology transfers between China, Latin America and the Caribbean.

(Photo: Xinhua)

Additionally, the center represents the shift from agreement to action in the 2021 Forum of Science, Technology, and Innovation of the China Community of Latin American and Caribbean States.

"China, Latin American and Caribbean countries should set a new example of South-South cooperation in the new era through high-level, high-quality cooperation, and the transfer of scientific and technological achievements," according to Zhang Guangjun, Vice Minister of the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology,

"For the next three years, we plan to focus on several fields, including new energy, next-generation information technology, disaster prevention and emergency response. Scientific research institutions and companies in China, especially in the Greater Bay Area, have rich experience in these areas," said Ma Hongwei Head Master of Dongguan University of Technology.

Representatives from China, Latin America and the Caribbean attended the inauguration ceremony. After the ceremony, they participated in a forum to discuss innovation cooperation, mutual development and high-quality development under the Belt and Road Initiative.

Author | Sherry Lin (Intern)

Editor | Olivia, Steven, Monica, James

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