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Emilia-Romagna Region to deepen cultural cooperation with Guangdong

The 2023 Charming China Cultural Exhibition from Guangdong has concluded after a series of activities were held in Italy, Egypt, and Malaysia. In particular, two concerts featuring traditional Guangdong music in Bologna, Italy, and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, received enthusiastic applause and cheers from the audiences.

Mauro Felicori, Councilor for Culture and Landscape of the Emilia-Romagna Region, was deeply impressed by the concert and posted about it on his Facebook page. He stated that the performance represents the strong cultural ties between the Emilia-Romagna Region and the province of Guangdong.

Bologna is the capital of the Emilia-Romagna Region, which established a sister relationship with Guangdong in 2015.

"We have done a great job in the economic field, and we can strive for even greater achievements in the cultural field. That is my goal for the future," said Felicori in an exclusive interview with GDToday on November 17 (Rome Time).

Guangdong and Emilia-Romagna Region own similar quality

"Fantastic impression," Felicori had visited Shenzhen, the so-called "Chinese Silicon Valley," 9 years ago, which gave him a deep impression of China's economic growth, especially the great number of skyscrapers standing in the city.

"We are not able to appreciate the speed of the economic changes in China from Europe," he described excitedly. "I know that it was the first area in China opened to private enterprises. And I saw the result of this change, and it was truly astonishing."

In 2008, Shenzhen was awarded the name of "City of Design" by the UN, which is the first city in China to achieve this honor.

According to the introduction, "City of Design" is one of the 7 honors issued by the UN, including City of Literature, Music City, Film City, City of Crafts and Folk Arts, City of Gastronomy, and City of Media Arts.

Similarly, Bologna was awarded "Music City" in 2006. According to UNESCO, "As the first Italian city to be appointed to the Network, Bologna has demonstrated a rich musical tradition that is continuing to evolve as a vibrant factor of contemporary life and creation."

"Both Bologna and Shenzhen belong to the creative city network. China is probably the most important member of this network, which provides an opportunity for me to know Shenzhen, an astonishing city for its development," said Felicori.

In Felicori's opinion, both Emilia-Romagna Region and Guangdong have a large field of cooperation in arts and craftsmanship. He indicated that the region has a tradition in pottery and woodworking, which is the same in Guangdong.

"We can learn more about each other through exchanging experiences in restoration. We are searching for something contemporary, but we have to defend our tradition and refresh our tradition simultaneously," he stressed.

He added that both areas will establish a mechanism to exchange artists and cultural productions. "I'm sure we will present both good productions and artists from Guangdong."

During the interview, he extended an invitation to the Guangdong Modern Dance Company to have a joint performance with the Dance Company from Emilia-Romagna Region.

Communication needs face-to-face meetings

The Covid-19 pandemic had stopped face-to-face communication between Guangdong and the Emilia-Romagna Region. After the pandemic, a series of activities from The 2023 Charming China-Cultural Exhibition were held in Bologna. Felicori felt excited to see the communication resumed, saying, "movement is what we need to work together in the cultural and economic fields. We need to meet each other in person, shake hands, and enjoy shows."

Like Felicori said, some audiences told GDToday on November 17 that the concert raised their interest in visiting Guangdong.

Furthermore, Felicori thought that youth exchange is the most important part for cooperation between the two sides.

"If you put emphasis on youth, you are always right because youth is our future," said Felicori.
In his opinion, sports is one of the best ways for youth exchange, especially since Bologna is the city of basketball.

"If you give opportunities to young people, it is an investment for the next 50, 60, or 70 years," he added.

Reporter: Steven Yuen reported from Bologna, Italy

Editor: James 

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