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Funny activity sews charity seed in HK and Macao students’ hearts

A charity activity was held at the Affiliated School of Jinan University for Hong Kong and Macao Students (ASJ) and ended on November 12, aiming to help communities and underprivileged children in Guangzhou. According to the school, this activity finally raised about 10,000 yuan, all of which has been donated to the Wilber Foundation. 

(Photo provided to Newsgd.com)

The charity project was conducted among grade 6 students and lasted for three weeks, consisting of three parts: "Funky Feet", "Pajama Day" and "Market Day". During the activity, students were encouraged to wear funny, colorful socks and pajamas to school and donate their pocket money.

Jason, an English teacher in ASJ and also the initiator of the charity project, said that children can not only master practical skills from the activity, but also form their own perception of the world in practice.

(Photo provided to Newsgd.com)

Peng Wei, secretary general of Wilber Foundation said the donation will be used to help a selected child in Guangzhou for medical treatment.

"I am very happy to take actions to help the community in which I am living, and I'm looking forward to seeing the child we are helping," said Amit, a six-grade student who participated in the whole activity.

"This is just a beginning. It's sowing the seeds of charity in students' hearts," Peng said.

(Photo provided to Newsgd.com)

Located in the beautiful Longyandong Forest Park (龙眼洞森林公园), ASJ is China's first school directed by a mainland university for Hong Kong and Macao students. It is jointly organized by Jinan University, Hong Kong Victoria Harbor Education Group, Aoyuan Group, and Dongguan Eaton Education Group.

Author: Emma (intern)

Editor: Ariel, Monica

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