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Data Explorer | One in every three litchis in the world comes from Guangdong

On May 20, China International Tropical Crops Industry Conference and the 7th China Litchi and Longan Industry Conference kicked off in Maoming, Guangdong. 

Lets take a quick look of Guangdongs litchi and longan output and export over the past five years: 

Guangdong is one of the main producing areas of tropical and subtropical crops in China. Among them, litchi and longan are the most popular tropical fruits. 

In terms of tropical crop output, the province keeps an annual record of more than 43.88 million tons, ranking first in the country. 

With a tropical fruit production value of 61.3 billion RMB, this has increased the annual income by 30 percent for farmers in the tropical fruit arena. 

The planting area, output and production value of litchi in Guangdong takes first place in China. The production value of longgan also ranks top in the country. 

Maoming is a major litchi and longan production base in the province. As of now, there are more than 300 enterprises, 500 cooperatives, 2,800 e-commerce and WeChat businesses involved in the local litchi and longan industry. 

China is a leading producer of tropical crops, with a total planting area of about 70 million mu (4.67 million acres). In 2023, the national production area for litchis stands at 7.9 million mu (0.53 million acres), in which Guangdong takes 3.96 million mu (0.26 million acres), the highest share in the country. 

Author | Fanny 

Poster | Lu Lu, Mia 

Editor | Olivia, Nan, Will, Jerry  

(Some of the statistics are cited from Nanfang Daily)