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Cold front sweeps Guangdong, temperatures to drop by 3–5℃

A new cold front arrived in Guangdong on January 9, bringing widespread cold weather warnings across central and northern areas. Guangzhou issued its first cold alert of the year, with average temperatures in Yuexiu and Tianhe districts expected to drop below 12℃ in the coming days.

(Photo: Southcn.com)

From January 10 to 12, most parts of the province will experience a temperature drop of 3℃ to 5℃, with the coldest morning expected on January 12. In northern Guangdong and the northern Pearl River Delta, temperatures will fall between -1℃ and 5℃, with frost and freezing conditions likely in mountainous areas, while high-altitude regions could see lows of -4℃ to -2℃. Other parts of the province will experience lows of 6℃ to 9℃.

In Guangzhou, the weather will remain sunny to partly cloudy, with temperatures ranging from 7℃ to 16℃ on January 10, 6℃ to 16℃ on January 11, and 8℃ to 20℃ on January 12. Residents across the province are urged to stay warm and prepare for frost, especially in colder northern regions.

Author: Huang Xinying

Editor: Liu Lingzhi, James, Shen He

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