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Dragon boat racing on SZ's Dashahe River attracted int'l friends & entrepreneurs

The "6th Dashahe River Dragon Boat Invitational," organized by the Shenzhen Nanshan District People's Government, unfolded Monday along the river.

In addition to local dragon boat teams from various communities, associations, universities, and enterprises in Nanshan District, paddlers from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and other countries are also invited, totaling 25 teams with about 550 participants.

Paddlers from 11 countries, including Germany, the UK, the US, Italy, Sweden, Pakistan, Brazil, and the Philippines, formed the Shekou International Friends Team. 

"It was great fun! I'll definitely come back next year!" said Priyasha Sharma from India, adding, "The crowd cheered for our international team, making us feel like stars. I hope to participate again."

Teams representing listed companies in Nanshan District, such as Tencent, Vanke, and others, also participated. The Pengrui Dragon Boat Team was comprised of over 70 entrepreneurs from various industries, showcasing the friendship of business leaders.

The thrilling dragon boat stunt performance by the "Dragon King of Dongguan" further enhanced the festivities, with a 32-meter-long traditional dragon boat handled by 54 oarsmen. Other traditional activities included applying realgar, shooting arrows at poisonous creatures, and throwing zongzi (rice dumplings) into the river.

The championship went to a team whose members mainly come from Dongguan. Two teams from Nanshan's association secured the second and third spots, respectively.

Spectators expressed their awe and pride, remarking, "I didn't expect the Dashahe Dragon Boat Race to be so magnificent. Witnessing the traditional dragon boat performance here today is truly indescribable."

Reporter | Cai Minling, Liu Qianxi

Picture | He Jun

Editor | Abby, James

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