Air passengers required to declare physical condition

2020-Feb-18       Source:

Air passengers of domestic flights arriving at or leaving from Shenzhen are required to declare their physical condition online starting from Sunday, according to a release by the Shenzhen Airport Gro

Air passengers of domestic flights arriving at or leaving from Shenzhen are required to declare their physical condition online starting from Sunday, according to a release by the Shenzhen Airport Group.

The move further improves accuracy in controlling and preventing the COVID-19 spread. The airport company developed the online declaration system for passengers for outbreak prevention and control purposes. The online format makes the health declarations more useful and efficient while also reducing chances of cross-infection compared with the offline declaration format, the reported.

Passengers arriving at or departing from Shenzhen airport are required to fill in a declaration form in advance. The form can be completed on the Shenzhen airport (深圳机场) WeChat mini program or by scanning the QR code provided at arrival and departure halls. After completing the declaration, a bar code will be generated for inspection by airport employees.

This declaration applies to passengers taking domestic flights. Passengers taking international flights are subject to the requirements of customs departments.


Editor: Jasmine

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